Friday, May 28, 2010

heyya guyz~
1st of all, ur welcome zul.. now, im still in college.. actually, yesterday evening we were allowed to go back home but i decided not to coz i dun feel like goin home..
anyway, to anyone who went back home, hepi holidays~ luv u guys!
xoxo sara '92

Thursday, May 27, 2010



Setelah bersusah-payah menge-hack blog ni, akhirnya berjaya!
(itu pun sbb minx tolong cera)

but anyway,

nk post tp xde idea. lg pun skrg ni tgh bz mem-packing barang nk balik umah.

ok. till then...

Zully Holly
(mcm buat blog kelas miss molly plak)

Friday, May 21, 2010

kita maju selangkah lagi...

salam.. hi semua... nampaknya masa depan atau impian kita sudah semakin dekat. tapi aku tidak mengharapkan apa2 pun.. sebab pada aku. kat mana2 pun kita tak selamat. semuanya belum pasti. still depends kat final result juga. tapi apa2 pun kita kena tetap optimis dan berusaha sekuat-kuatnya. sebab inilah realiti hidup. semakin lama kita hidup semakin besar cabarannya.
aku rasa memang memikirkan masa depan ni mmg boleh mematangkan kita dan dapat belajar menghormati pandangan dan keputusan orang lain. masing2 ada pandangan and prinsip masing2.

personally, kepada yang dapat medic, walaupun ramai orang cakap IB tu susah gila and mencabar etc, tapi itulah hakikatnya, medic memang course yang tough, so kita kenalah terima realiti tu.. ni baru IB.. belum sambung degree lagi. walaupun aku ni average achiever, tapi aku rasa kalau hidup ini tak ada cabaran, baik tak payah hidup. entah la... dalam kepala otak ni.. macam2 benda aku fikir.. insyallah semua ok... stay positive..

kepada yang lain, either matriks or asasi etc, goodluck la kt korang. yang tak dapat ape2 offer, jangan pulak lemah semangat atau putus harapan, insyallah, kalo ada rezeki, korang memang dapat apa yang korang impikan. yang penting teruskan berusaha. dengan harapan satu hari nanti kita semua boleh tersenyum bila kita dah berjaya dalam apa yang kita usahakan ni.. aminn..

aku faiq. aku 502
erm, aq pon xtawu nk 2les ape, tp ishaq soh aq 2les pape jugak... hehe...
erm, btw, nk komen cket... bile korang post sumting tuh, 2les la nme ye kt bwh, nk tawu gak sape punye post...
smlm mara + jpa kuar an... pade sesiape yg dpt uh, congratss!!! yg xdpt, blaja dlm ngare best lah...!!
korang ni juz da set mind korang nk oversea... tlong lah, aq b4 masok mrsm, xpena terlintas nk ovrsea.. ni pon rezeki...
so, jgn kecewa...
erm, aq rase blog kte bakal makin sunyi pasni... ramai daftar esok an?? asasi... aq lmbat lg...
lbey sbulan cuti lg... haihh...
so, pape pon gudluck ok!!!! jgn lupe contact!!
lele >> jgn cdey2 ok... :))
k la,bye.. wsalam wbt...

assalamualaikum guys............
sebenarnya aku tak tau nak tules aper
tp aku nak bgth yg ak dpt wat ausmat kt intec utk gi new zealand
tp aku rase cam ausmat tu susah so aku cam tkot tak lepas jer
btw lele jgn la rase cdey sangat.....
mane tahu pas ni kite sumer leh kuar lg cam kt sunway ari tuh
sbb lgpun mostly dpt msok dkt area2 selangor kl
tak semestinya tak mesej maksudnya dah lupa
apa2 pun thanx sangat sbb mengingatkn psl hal friendship sesame ex klasmet
so lps nie ble da msok um jgn lupa teruskan jd burfday reminder ye...hehe....sbb aku susah nak ingat burfday owang.....
to faiq kalau die bukak blog ni.............rumah aku dkt ngan kmb...sedare geng jawa aku pun ramai kt banting tu...........aku sangat suka makan cendol kt banting.......lg2 musim panas gud lark kt kmb
so sampai sini saje...bye2
==== aisyah F ====

hello guys...
liena kat matrix skunk...
malau pown ade kat sini...
kowg doakan yg terbaek tok liena k...
gud lux guys....
luv u all...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Salam & Hi!

Hi people! Aku rasa macam dah agak lama sejak aku menulis kat sini. Haha. Busy sikit dengan collegelah. Hurm, sekarang ni hari Sabtu pun aku ada class, IELTS, sebab nak apply ke UK kena ada benda alah ni. Haha. Bosan gila, it's like 5 hours of English for one day, every weekend. Haish.

Anyways, first aku nak comment post Lele. Haha.
Sabar ya Lele? Aku faham apa yang kau maksudkan, mungkin memang diorang busy. Lagipun, mungkin diorang tak ada credit (?). Haha. Entahlah, aku pun tak tau nak cakap apa. Haha. Done.

Now, aku nak cerita pasal application aku ke university kat UK :)
So, basically aku kena apply sendiri. BNM bagi 10 university untuk aku apply. Aku kena apply sometime in July/August tapi maximum boleh apply 8 uni sahaja. Haha. 10 university yang BNM suruh aku pilih untuk apply adalah;

1. London School of Economics

2. Oxford

3. University College London

4. Cambridge
5. Warrick
6. Exeter
7. Durham
8. St. Andrews
9. Nottingham
10. Birmingham

So, korang rasa mana yang aku patut apply? Haha. Sebab aku cuma boleh apply untuk 8. Haish. By the way, aku dah tolak Cambridge awal-awal dari list ni. Haha. Sebab, untuk apply Oxford/Cambridge tak guna UCAS. Tapi, guna OxBridge application. Disebabkan dua uni ni sangatlah suka bersaing, cuma boleh apply ke salah satu je. Haha. Aim utama aku 3; LSE, Oxford or UCL. Hahaha. Bajet cam dapat je. InsyaALLAH.

I guess that's it for now. Goodluck kepada semua yang bakal menempuh kehidupan baru nanti. Ingat, jangan hilang diri sudah. Haha. Lagi satu, jangan jadi excited sangat dengan kebebasan baru tu, nanti boleh tersesat. Haha.

P/S: Exam final Sem 1 aku dah dekat. Doakan aku ya? *wink*

aku ishaq

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

people change


hei,1st time aku tlis kat sini.
aku dok rmh makin lame makin bosan je..
tak sabar nak masok mane2...
Mara bodo dan sial asyik tangguh je keje...
aku tau ar tu dwit die nak sponsor bdk2 tp takyah ah nyusahkan aku tgu lme2..

aku dok rmh abes dwit mak bpk je...
nysahkn prents tol..
dok kat rmh ni,aku rase sume org makin jao dr aku je...
sume da tak contct..takat yg contact ble pntg je baek tak payah..
kdg2 mls gak nk jwb sbb time laen,xde pon nk cntct aku...
ala,alsn sume org same je...busy
aku time tgh ajar tsyen bole je reply msj org..
at least lmbt pon ok ah drpd xde...
aku kua jln2 or hgout dgn kwn2 kat lua pon
still bole rply msj org...
tp apsal time aku cntct kwn2 aku,dorg xreply..
i can't accept the reasons...

mybe lps msok ipta or mne2 lps ni..
kwn2 lme da xdgr pon kaba berita aku..
sbb xde pon yg contact aku kalo aku x contct org...
hmmm...that's life...
we never miss the water until the well runs dry...

ok ah,pape pon just nak in4m,aku msh idop lg ah..
doa2 ah aku snts kat jln Allah..
aku rse dok rmh ni,mkin jao drpd-Nya..
so good luck evryone...
jage diri...
blja leklok...

"at youth,we age,we understand"

Sirdi Imleh Lurima.....aku pon 502

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

heya again guys~
well, basically it's my second week here in kolej mara kuala nerang.. it's kinda like tgb but the perks are (as in many colleges) the wifi and internet.. so now im able to freely explore my facebook without worrying about slow internet connections.. anyway, coming here, in kolej mara kuala nerang (or kmkn for short) is sort of a life transition for me ; from being a teenager and moving on to adulthood..
actually, im posting this because i wanted to tell u guys about my orientation week here.. seriously guys, it was a blast! the facilitators are all unikl campus students and were like our brothers and sisters.. basically, i had fun all week unti the facilitators had to go home.. huhu.. so sad.. anyway, life goes on and i have so many assignments to finish by tonight.. and i'll tell u more about the orientation if i have the time..
anyway, to all my u guys, i juz wanna say gudluck in life and i miss u guys a lot!

xoxo sara'92

Monday, May 10, 2010

Outing gi sunway ari tu mmg best tp pnat
actually ari tu pun first tyme aku gi sunway slps brtahun
tak jejak kaki kt ctu
mak aku hesitate nak bg aku naek tren sorang2 sampai kl sentral
sbb my sis slalu chaperone aku kalau nak gi kl
tp dgn yakin aku ckp kt mak aku.."alah mak,kite kan dah besar"
so aku pegi jgk..pagi tu mmg ngantuk giler sampai leh tido dlm tren
( sbnrnye aku abes keje kol 11 mlm jumaat tuh n tido pun dlm kol satu)
sedar je tido aku nampak im sandar kt tiang ngan steady nyer bace novel bi
masa lunch plg tak leh bla sbb kitorang borak n gelak dgn sewenang-wenangnye
almaklumlah dah lame tak jumpa.....
kt ctu aku bli 2 psg kasut...satu utk aku...satu utk mak aku...
(sbnrnye aku rase mini wedges aku pakai tuh ckit lagi nak tercabut tali n kaki dah pun dah
lenguh moral nyer kalau nak jln jauh tok sah pakai wedges o heels)
aku pown sempat bli buku quranic law of attraction n syahadah gadis ateis
( blom baca pown lagi)
btw imran...bile mase ko bye2 kt aku??bkn ke ko bye2 kt wan ke??
aku tak dgr pun sape2 ckp"bye imran...cehh"
ke aku jer yg tak berapa dengar??
aku ckit lagi nak tertinggal tren ke seremban dari bangi sbb aku tak tau pown kene
tkr tren sbnrnye...n aku hampir2 nak bli tket baru..
( esoknya baru imran bgth psl tkr2 tren nih...hmm...too late)
sampai2 umah mak aku ckp.." jom tmn mak gi kenduri..mak takde kwn la.."
dek kerana perut yg dah berbunyi aku pegi lah menjamu selera kt umah owang kawen.
3 mende aku ske psl kenduri kawen:
dapat mkn sdap2
dpt tengok pengantin yg lawa n hensem
aku ske dgr owng maen kompang
sampai situ saje......jumpa lagi..>>>AISYAH F(da lama tak gune initial nih)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Outing 502 kt sunway.....

Salam hai.....

sblom ak start tles(snye da lame nk tles mende2 nih, tp sek x smpt je)...

faiQ>> x leh bla life, haha, tu yg jdk suri rumah 2, drive mak ah, amek adek, hahaha, skil2 seorng bape da ade 2, rupe bape ko da lame ade, haha......

sara>> sara pnye post wat ak tkot nk g U, english ak cam da repot je, haha...

ishaQ>> lwa ah blog bru, first time ak bkak ak tgk gamba hilang2 tu lame gle, tgu sume abes, haha, gamba 'main' die x leh bla, laki posing abes, pmpuan control2 lak....

Outing 502 kat Sunway......

Semalam ak kuar ngan IshaQ, LELE, Wan, Aisyah F, n Fairuz. G Sunway Piramid, ingt nk reunion, tp rmai x dpt dtng, ble korng bls msg je, rmai ckp " weh ak mmg nk dtng, tp x dpt, sori sesangat", haha, bek gle 502, (ishaQ ckp nih result dri sms LELE yg ckp x de sape msg die kcuali ad hal pnting), haha, tp rmai kem salam, salam2 korng da kirem ah. G Sunway nih snye 2nd time ak, 1st time mse ak daja 1 ke 2, x ingt lngsng, ak ingt tmpt ice skating je, kire semalam cam first time gak ah.

Ak kuar umah kol 9.30 cam2,btolak dri UKM smpi KL Sentral, pas2 nek kmter g Klang, tp stop kat Subang Jaya, dri situ ade bas mini g sunway tros, ak masok2 komuter ky ukm je nmpk aisya F, tgh tido, hahahahaha, komuter g sentral sesak ah, cam biase, tp g subang jaya 2 kosong gle, ade sorng due je pnumpang, pas2 tgu aisyah n wan, bru nek bas, smpi sunway dlm ko 11 lebeh kot, lele da smpi kol 10 lebeh(ak x smpi sentral lg da msg ckp die da smpi), kire 2 jam gak ah pegi balek, trmasok tggu bas n komuter sume.

Smpi2 je tros call LELE, jmpe kat Popular, pas2 jenjalan, tgu IshaQ n Fairuz, HaziQ ghafar pn ade gak smalam, die join smpi lunch pas2 g kl, wat pasport, IshaQ dtng time zohor, pas2 g makan kat KFC, ak da lame x rse KFC, sejak Jasin dlu, haha, borak3, pas2 dak pompuan smpi ngan fairuz, borak3 lg, pas2 da kol 3, fairuz nak tgk movie pas2, tp ak ckp ak kne blek awal(sori fairuz), las2 g shopping je, memule g kdai2 mahal, padini, pas2 ape tah ak x ingt, dak pmpuan lame gle belek barang, haha, blek3, slamat ak x terbeli pape kt kdai2 tu, haha, pas2 g kdai bata, ad kasot sukan nih, rm30 je, harge asal die rm60, cam jualan pnghabesan stok x silap ak, belek2 jap, testing, beli teghoh, ak mmg tgh crik kasot sukan, tp x plan nk bli kt sunway, time 2 dak pmpuan smpi, kne tggu jap ah, haha(ak bkn kutuk pmpuan nih, jgn pike len, bes gle krng dtng smalam), pas2 g jusco jap, tgk2 barang lg, tp x bli pn, time 2 aisyah n LELE da penat kot, tgh2 jalan aisyah ckp "loh, x de krusi ke?" pas2 lele smbng " tu ah pasal", x le bla, haha, las2 kitorng ddk kat krusi dpt tv nih, pas2 tngkap2 gamba gne phone fairuz, haha, tangkap gamba kat jusco, trbaek ah, pas2 g Asar....

Pas smbhyg, lepak2 kt luar tngu dak pmpuan, ade kedai NiC nih, kedai bju, die jual bju kmeje rm15 je, ak bli 2, haha, stu kelabu short sleeve, satu cam coklat cair long slve, haha, bju lawa gak ah, fit2 je, tp xde ah ketat, smat ah, nih ah first time ak kuar bli kasot n bju x plan, nmpk, belek2 sket, tros bli, hahaha, kalo nk shopping bli baju, kasot ke ape, kat sunway cam terbaek ah, lyn gak ah smalam, haha, pas2 balek, dlm kol 5 ptng cm2 kuar sunway, lteh gle, haha, sblom blek 2 cam sesat nk crik tmpt bas, haha, lwk je, tp at least skrng taw ah nk tnggu kt mane, snye ade bas rapid dri KL Sentral g sunway, U76, die ade lalu time blek 2, tp seberang jalan, haha, blek ikot cre dtng ah, g ktm subang jaya, pas2 nek kmuter tuka2, memule wan kuar kt serdang, time wan kuar, pas ckp bye kt aisyah, die ckp " bye imran, cehh..", snye ak trtnye2 knape die ckp "cehh", tp malas ah, haha, las2 ak smpi umah kol 8 cam2, leteh gle, tp kne gi umah nenek ak kt kajang lak, haha, kol 12 bru tido.....

Pnat gak smalam tp bes ah, jenjalan, borak3, shoppng, len kali bleh kuar lg, reramai ke, time ak de duet ah, haha.......

k. 2 je nk cite, haha, lenkali ak tles lg..........


Monday, May 3, 2010

heya guys~

long time no see.. i really miss u guys a lot.. and i really mean a lot.. nway, i hope u guys are in the pink along with ur families.. anyway, this is my 1st post..
so i know this may be a very busy months.. with interviews, doing part time jobs, reunions (i can't wait for ours!) and maybe for some of us who are lucky (not attending plkn) got their driving license..
however, there are also some of us who are bored stiff at home and can't wait to start college on the double.. it's like faiq said, 'bila masa sekolah.. nak cuti.. bila dah cuti.. nak sekolah pulak..' what can i say? humans are not always satified with what they have except for those who knows how to appriciate..
as for me, life is pretty slow for me nowadays.. but the first three months were fun and exciting because as u all know, i got national service aka plkn.. at first i hated it (until the end actually) but things are a bit better with new friends around..
well, life after plkn is somehow boring.. played games, watching tv (animax, starworld, cartoon network, hallmark, mtv, v channel) online, eat, drink, sleep and tried to be merry.. the same old routine.. however, after school time it's kinda great to have both my lil brother and sister around to play (or bully) with.. hehe..
anyway, eventhough its a bit bored around here, im still gonna try to enjoy every minute of it before going off to college..
so that's all from me before i start babbling and yapping about other stuff as well.. i think im gonna sleep early today.. busy day today.. nway, miss u guys and love u all~

xoxo sara ;p

Saturday, May 1, 2010


This is the largest youth conference in Malaysia! Loads of fun waiting for everyone!

OK, I'm doing this because I joined a competition where the person with most 'attends' on their Facebook event wins. Oh yeah! So, do click:

And help me WIN!

Ishaq Hakim :)

A New Look

Tatkala aku tiada keja untuk dilakukan, aku terfikir nak update atau refresh rupa blog kita ni. Hope you guys enjoy it!

P/S: Keep the posts coming! :)