Monday, January 9, 2012


View dari tingkap bilik aku last night bila sunset :)

OK. Sumpah aku rasa macam berkurun gila since aku last menulis here. Mohon seribu ampun. So yeah. Haha. Aku rasa aku nak cerita about how my life is like here in Bath :)

Biasanya aku bangun dalam pukul 7/8 because lectures mostly start dalam pukul 9 or 10-ish. Aku biasanya akan pergi for most lectures except International Development and Modern World Economy sebab lecturers subject-subject itu sangatlah bosan. The modules and topics are interesting but the lecturers aren't. Haha. Usually aku akan sampai awal because aku duduk on campus and bilk tersangatlah dekat dengan lecture halls and stuff.

Makan here is quite an issue, dekat city pun cuma ada 3 kedai yang betul-betul certified halal. So aku usually go for vegetarian or seafood punya menu. Masak kadang-kadang but ever since Boxing Day aku kena masak everyday. It was CRAZY. Tak pernah sepanjang hidup aku spend that much of money in one day. Nasib baik sale agak menggila so it was worth it. LOL.

Sini aku hidup OK je. I try my best to mix around dengan everyone ah. Tak kira ah atheist ke Christian ke, straight ke gay ke. LOL. Yes, aku berkawan dengan segala orang here. Rumah aku macam flat. 5 stories high and I'm the only Asian. Hahaha. But all the other guys are great ah. In fact, aku rajin juga ikut aktiviti diorang. Don't get me wrong but aku dah 2 or 3 times pergi church here for spiritual talks. Agak best ah because it makes me wonder and get even more interested in Islam.

One thing aku perasan ever since I've been here is how much kita undervalue Islam itself. I mean, before this aku accept je aku Islam but nak menghayati and mendalami macam susah sikit. Nak beribadah or whatever kat Malaysia sangatlah senang but here baru teruji sikit ah. Haha. Dulu nak solat mana-mana pun ada at least surau. Sini satu Bath ni cuma ada satu masjid. Hambik kau. Oh, waktu Boxing Day jugak ah first experience aku solat dalam changing room. Pergi McD ambil wuduk then I went to a shop to pray. Hahaha.

Courseworks melambak thats why aku rajin lepak library. Oh and aku suka gila at my university punya library. ITS HUGE. Hahaha. Ok ah, aku nak pi submit coursework. BYE!

P/S: Aku balik Malaysia lagi dua minggu! Hew hew. Sebab initially parents aku nak datang but aku tak kasi so aku akan balik for 2 weeks plus. LOL.

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